Download Tuch Sukhkarta Tuch Dukhharta Lyrics In Marathi ...

Sep 29, 2019


Looking for the lyrics and mp3 download of the popular devotional song 'Tuch Sukhkarta Tuch Dukhharta' in Marathi? You've come to the right place! In this article, we'll provide you with the complete lyrics and also guide you on how to download the mp3 version of this soul-stirring song.

About 'Tuch Sukhkarta Tuch Dukhharta'

'Tuch Sukhkarta Tuch Dukhharta' is a significant and heart-touching devotional song that holds immense cultural importance among Marathi-speaking people. It is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity and the remover of obstacles, and is often sung during festivals, religious ceremonies, and prayers.


Here are the lyrics to 'Tuch Sukhkarta Tuch Dukhharta' in Marathi:

तुच सुखकर्ता तुच दुःखहर्ता हरशिवर वंदन नमन ता धृता जन्मावरी माज अंगणी भरता जननीवरी बालसौबध्रता वटवाटा वनीआरता शर्वी होय तुमचा तरी होय मित्रहार्या भक्तार्या हाती हार्षदिलो तुमचं सार्वभौमाची सर्वशक्तीLL सर्वानी कळवितो


To download the mp3 version of 'Tuch Sukhkarta Tuch Dukhharta' in Marathi and immerse yourself in its divine melody, follow these steps:

  1. Visit a reliable website or app that offers music downloads (such as
  2. Search for the song 'Tuch Sukhkarta Tuch Dukhharta' in the search bar.
  3. Select the desired version or quality of the song.
  4. Click on the download button or link provided.
  5. Wait for the download to complete.
  6. Once downloaded, you can listen to the song on your preferred media player or device.


'Tuch Sukhkarta Tuch Dukhharta' is a beautiful devotional song that evokes deep spiritual feelings. The lyrics in Marathi along with the melodious tune create an enriching experience. By providing the complete lyrics and guiding you on how to download the mp3 version, we aim to make it easier for you to enjoy this soulful composition.

Stay tuned for more updates and enrich your spiritual journey with the power of music!

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