Welcome to Afrique Wildlife

Oct 23, 2023

Preserving Wildlife and Combating Rhino Horn Ivory Trade

Afrique Wildlife is an extraordinary animal shelter that is passionately committed to the preservation of wildlife and the conservation of their natural habitats. We firmly believe in the power of education, research, and community involvement to combat the illegal trade of rhino horn ivory and protect these majestic creatures from extinction.

Our Mission

At Afrique Wildlife, our mission is twofold. Firstly, we strive to provide a safe haven for endangered animals, including rhinos, who are threatened by the illegal trade of their horns. Secondly, we work tirelessly to raise awareness about the devastating impact of this trade on the ecosystem and the need for its eradication.

Animal Shelters: A Sanctuary for the Voiceless

Animal shelters play a crucial role in safeguarding and rehabilitating vulnerable animals. Afrique Wildlife takes immense pride in being at the forefront of this noble endeavor. Our team of dedicated experts works diligently to provide the highest level of care and protection to these innocent creatures who cannot advocate for themselves.

Combating the Illegal Rhino Horn Ivory Trade

The illegal trade of rhino horn ivory remains a pressing global concern. With the demand for these products driven by unfounded beliefs in their medicinal properties and alleged status symbols, it is imperative to combat this trade with strong determination. Afrique Wildlife actively collaborates with law enforcement agencies, international organizations, and local communities to raise awareness, promote conservation, and support anti-poaching efforts.

Our Impact

Over the years, Afrique Wildlife has made significant strides to combat the illegal rhino horn ivory trade. Our initiatives and campaigns have resulted in increased awareness, reduced demand, and more robust law enforcement against poachers and traffickers. Through strategic partnerships, educational programs, and community engagement activities, we continue to make a positive impact in the fight to preserve these magnificent creatures.

Education and Outreach

Education is crucial to combatting the illegal trade of rhino horn ivory. Afrique Wildlife believes that by empowering communities with knowledge, we can drive a shift in attitudes and behaviors. Our comprehensive educational programs include school visits, workshops, and public awareness campaigns aimed at dispelling myths, promoting conservation, and inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards.

Preservation and Conservation

Preservation and conservation are at the core of Afrique Wildlife's values. We work hand in hand with local authorities and conservation organizations to protect natural habitats, implement sustainable practices, and rehabilitate affected wildlife. Our rehabilitation centers offer a safe environment for rescued animals, ensuring they receive appropriate care and support before being reintroduced into their natural habitats.

How You Can Help

Afrique Wildlife's mission requires the collective efforts of individuals, organizations, and governments. Here's how you can contribute:

  • Spread Awareness: Share our message on social media, participate in awareness campaigns, and educate others about the plight of rhinos and the dangers of the illegal trade.
  • Support Conservation: Consider making a donation to support our conservation efforts. Every contribution helps us protect and rehabilitate endangered wildlife.
  • Get Involved: Volunteer your time and skills. Join our team, participate in community engagement programs, and contribute to our various initiatives.


Afrique Wildlife is dedicated to the preservation of wildlife, with a particular focus on combating the rhino horn ivory trade. By investing in education, raising awareness, and advocating for stronger conservation measures, we aim to secure a future where rhinos and other endangered animals thrive in their natural habitats. Join us in our mission to save these magnificent creatures from extinction.

Susanne Schlenther
Excited to join Afrique Wildlife! Let's work together to save endangered animals.
Nov 9, 2023
Yueming Mei
Great work!
Nov 2, 2023
Jess Boyd
This is such an important cause. Thank you for your dedication in protecting these magnificent creatures and their habitats!
Oct 27, 2023